Projected    Goals

1. "Agape Bible College Teaching the ABC's of the Five Fold ministries:

      A bible college to train up and equip men and women to supernaturally     fulfill God's call on their lives to the Evangelistic, Pastoral, Missions,
     Teaching, Helps, Youth, and Children's ministries.

2. "School Of Ministry"  A discipleship program to learn and live the gospel:

     a. Teach the Word of God

     b. Teach how to flow with the Holy Spirit and His manifestations

     c. Make disciples to produce more disciples

3. "Bible Study Classes" Weekday sessions for the more serious bible

     a. Beginners classes

     b. Advanced classes

     c. Weekly or bimonthly rallies

4. "Scholarships" To seed into believers lives and help launch them into the

     a. Criteria must be met scholastically

     b. To help pay for bible college or training center of choice

5. "Networking" To help settle Christians into the body of Christ:

     a. Church contacts

     b. Ministry and missions contacts

6."Radio" A Christian radio station dedicated to today's believer:

     a. Playing contemporary Christian music

     b. Teaching sessions by popular ministers of like faith

     c. Comedy spots by Christian comedians

     d. Praise and worship sessions

7. "New Life Center" A social place for Christians:

     a. Food and drinks (nonalcoholic) made available with a Christian

     b. A place to socialize, dance, talk and enjoy one's self without worldly          influences

     c. Live bands, comedians and guest Ministers

     d. A tape and T-shirt shop including books and videos of Christian
         teachings, moral ethics and convictions.

8. "Church" Focus on God and His Word not men's ideas or traditions:

     a. A Spirit-filled, nondenominational, faith teaching center

     b. A sanctuary in the midst of the trials of Life-Helping to meet the needs            of the individual

     c. A ministry team with ushers, counselors, follow-up and evangelical
        outreach teams, as well as various ministries to meet the needs of

        each individual

     d. A drama team ministering via theatrical and cinematic arts

     e. A music ministry including via theatrical and cinematic arts

     f. Audio ministry including making, duplications and distribution

     g. Video team including making, duplication and distribution

9. "Outreaches" Directed to the Communities, meeting need as they arise:

     a. Domestic and Foreign missions

     b. Food and clothing distribution center

10. "Crisis Centers" a 24 hour ministry for...

     a. Runaways and those that have been kicked out

     b. Drug and alcohol

     c. Cultic and abused intervention center

     d. Battered wives shelter

     e. Shelter for the aged and disabled

     f. Temporary shelters to help one "get back on their feet"

     g. A hot line for connections, referrals and just to answer questions to
         life's problems

     h. A Christian school teaching academics with Christian roots, teaching                  all grade levels

Mission/What's/Prayer Request/At Agape/Forged by Fire/Free Stuff/Links 

Contact Information:

Agape Christian Center
Pastors John & Karen Pelizzari
321 North Penelope
Belton, Texas 76513
Telephone/Fax 254-939-WORD

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