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Are you facing an impossible task today?  Do you feel under qualified for the work that God has called you to do?  Have you been thrust into a position that you had no idea that was what God had intended for you to do all this time? Or, are you locked into place and your looking for ways to bring a standard of excellence to what God has you involved in because you have a desire to be the best for God!  (Insert   from Forged by Fire) 

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     John Pelizzari has been serving God by ministering the gospel since 1982.  He is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Agape Christian Center in Belton, Texas; Founder and Bishop of Called and Chosen International, A Fellowship of Churches And Ministries working together for the cause of Christ; Founder of Discerner Ministries, an evangelistic outreach, in addition to being a pastor's pastor and minister's minister.  He has a Bachelors Degree from Calvary Theological Seminary and a Doctorate from Southern Christian University.  He is a favorite speaker at camps, retreats and conferences with his messages being both confrontational and humorous as the Holy Spirit works with him confirming the Word preached with signs and wonders following.  His endeavors include a vast tape ministry, books, a weekly television program entitled "Forged By Fire" as well as mentoring and training a generation of disciples and ministers by launching them forth in their respective gifts and callings and helping pastors, churches and ministries become all that God has called them to be.



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Copyright © 1999 Agape Christian Center
Last modified: June 08, 2000


Chapters includes topic such as:

Chapter 1   Nobody Special

Whether you are in a position of leadership at a job site, a high rise executive office or in the house of God, you must always remember that you were set into that position by God.

Chapter 2   The Difference

A leader whose heart is to serve God does not look down in defeat at the obstacles, walls or barriers; leaders look up and say....

Chapter 3  A Leader Who Prays Is  A Leader who                Obeys

Being a leader does not mean being able to sit in a cushy chair, feet propped on the desk in an air conditioned office barking orders and cracking the whip.  In order for you to be successful, you must....

Chapter 5 Leading People Successfully

Remember that your assignment or calling is ordained by God, and that God will anoint, empower or equip you to complete the task.  One method of God's hand at work is that HE will....

Chapter 6 Strengthening The Vision
                 A.   Take a bath

In the midst of opposition, you may feel overwhelmed, taken for granted ......but you need to press through.  Allow me to bring into light the laws of double reference that are evidenced within the scriptures.
            B.  Dynamics of a Vision

Chapter 11 You've Come A Long Way Baby

So you may ask yourself, how does this apply to me? How can looking at where I have been and where I am at now help me in sharping my leadership skills?

Chapter 14  Preventative Maintenance

As your vision begins to blossom and grow, things may slip past you or your not always going to be able to keep an eye on things.  Even the workings of God ordained projects are going to have problems because God uses an imperfect people do His perfect work.

              A.   While The Cat's Away The Mice Will                       Play

This is a dynamic book inspired by God, write us and see how you can obtain your copy.

Order your copy today.

Contact Information:

You may contact Dr. John Pelizzari at:

321 North Penelope

contact us for prayer, a listing of tapes, books, ministry information or speaking engagements.