Here at Agape Christian Center

Here At Agape
Christian Center


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You will receive love, acceptance, and forgiveness.

You will discover your purpose and  fulfill your your destiny in life as you grow.

You will find something for all ages and all walks of life.

You will hear inspirational music,  anointed life changing messages and heart moving ministry.

You will be taught how to:

live by faith
be led by the Holy Spirit
walk in divine health
pray and get your prayers answered
become financially secure
get and/or keep your life in order

Our Service Times are:

Sundays..........................10:30 AM, 6:00 PM
Wednesdays.....................................7:00 PM



Agape Christian Center

Has something for everyone


Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site. Copyright © 1999 Agape Christian Center
Last modified: June 10, 2000






" to teach Christians world wide to be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and to have spiritual understanding"


Agape Christian Center is composed of people like me doing supernatural things, for we are laborers together with God.

We have workmen in abundance and my commitment determines it's growth. We speak the truth in love and there is no division among us.
Because I choose to be teachable and not traditional, God's Word has become more clear.

I am filled with knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual understanding and will not be carried about by every wind of doctrine.

The Holy Spirit works through me confirming the Word with signs and wonders following.

Because of my faithful witness, every seat is filled in every service and people are standing in line to get into this church.

Every member in this church is blessed and prosperous because God supplies all of my needs.

There is no lack as I give cheerfully, knowing every need is met and we are 100% tithe givers.

I can do all things through Christ Jesus because the doors of success are opened for us and the doors of failure have been closed.

As we walk in love and unity, the gates of hell will not prevail. We are more than conquerors, victory is ours, and we shall not be defeated.

In Jesus' name.......Amen and Amen.

Contact Information:

Agape Christian Center
Pastors John & Karen Pelizzari
321 North Penelope
Belton, Texas 76513
Telephone/Fax 254-939-WORD



Projected Goals
"A bible college to train up and equip men and women to supernaturally fulfill God's call on their lives to

Prayer Request
If you would like
for us to pray you and your family

What's Available
Agape Bible College, Covenant Women
, Men of Promise, Teens United Faith, Preteens, Children Church, WeeWarriors"

Dr. John Pelizzari's
New Book!

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Forged by Fire

"Building Biblical Leadership from The Book of Nehemiah"

Free Stuff

audio cassette, tape catalog, and much more

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