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Agape Bible College

Agape Bible College is an extension campus of Cornerstone University, which is accredited with the Accrediting Commission International for schools, colleges and Theological Seminaries.

       Agape Bible College, as an extension campus, is affiliated with Calvary Bible Institute, which issues all certificates and diplomas, and with Calvary Theological Seminary which issues all Associate and Bachelors degrees.

       Master and Doctorate degrees are issued through Cornerstone University.

       Agape Bible College offers accelerated classes with international accreditation though its affiliations at an affordable rate. Agape Bible College makes it possible for you to earn your desired degree according to your financial status and time availability.

Covenant Women

       Women from all walks of life, young and old alike gather on the second Saturday of every month at 9:30 A.M.

       Covenant women is not just about making new friends, its about sharing, caring and growing in Christ together.

       Many women have had their trust and confidence betrayed in the past. As we grow together, trust develops through the love of God. For some, it will be the first time that they have trusted. For others they will love and trust again.

Men of Promise

       Its been said that you are a male by birth but a man by choice. What makes a man of this worlds influence become a man influenced by God? Men of Promise focus on several foundational truths that help them become the man of God that God desires for them to be.

*   We are committed to honoring Jesus Christ through worship, prayer and obedience to His word by the power of the Holy Spirit.

*   We are endeavoring to pursue vital relationships with a few other men, understanding our need for one another to help us to become the man of God we desire to be.

*   We are committed to live and practice spiritual, moral, ethical and sexual purity.

*   We are committed in using biblical principles to build strong men,   marriages, and families.

*   We are committed to supporting our local church by honoring and praying for our pastor and by actively giving of ourselves, time talents and resources.

*   We are committed to reach beyond any racial or denominational barrier to demonstrate the power of biblical unity.

*   Men of Promise are committed to making an impact in the world through our obedience to the Great Commandment to love one another and the Great  Commission, to win the lost.

Teens united Faith

   "... let no man despise thy youth but be an example of the believers... "

1 Timothy 4:12

   Teens United Faith (TUF) Ministries are teaching youth in spirit and truth.

   Currently, the teens and pre teens combined meet twice a week, Sunday evenings at 6:00pm and Wednesdays at 7:00pm for radical youth services.

   In addition to special events and outings, dramas, retreats and camps, this youth group is on the move.

  Children's Church

   At present, our children's church meets twice a week. Sunday mornings at 10:30am and Wednesdays at 7:00pm.

   Our dynamic services include special puppetry, drama and other various activities as well as sound, fun, bible based projects and teachings custom fit for today's child.

   Wee Warriors

   Our nursery department and services are available at all service times and for any other events that we may have.


In addition, we have dance and tambourine, a drama department and special soloists who travel to other churches, ministries and events and at homebased here are Agape Christian Center. These are available for you to be involved in should you so desire.

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Contact Information:

Agape Christian Center
Pastors John & Karen Pelizzari
321 North Penelope
Belton, Texas 76513
email: agape@vvm.com





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